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North-western Motocross Development Center "АURORA" is a multifunctional association based on motocross and snowcross sports team.

Our school gives classes for children and adults irrespective of their level of training, capabilities and gender. Training is carried out all the year round.
We implement individual and complex approach for motocross training in our work. Everything depends on age and goals of a trained person.

We have vehicles for every age including:
  • For children from 4 to 8 years old - Yamaha PW 50
  • For children from 8 to 12 years old - Yamaha PW 80
  • For children from 11to 15 years old - Yamaha YZ 85, wheels 14-17; 16-19
  • For adults - Husqvarna CR125

  • The course includes not only practical but also theoretical classes. Besides, the integral part of educational process includes organization and carrying out of additional classes on overall physical condition.
    Also we are glad to offer you travelling training camps either in the Russian Federation or abroad.

    Graduates of Motocross School "Aurora" are goal-oriented, active young people continuing independent sports life.
    There are some of them:
  • Artem Pekhterev is a master of sports, a multiple medalist of Russian Snowcross and Enduro Championships; a motocross champion of Northwestern Federal District in 2011, 2012; a participant of the 2nd international motocross and snowcross competitions. In 2013 he was a member of the snowcross national team of Russia
  • Ivan Kishkichev is a master of sports, a participant of Russian and international motocross competitions, a medalist of Russian Enduro Championship. Now he is a motocross head coach in the State Palace of Youth Creativity
  • Alexander Antipov is a candidate master of sports, a multiple medalist of stages of Russia and Estonia Motocross Championship, a participant of international motocross competitions, a motocross champion of Northwestern Federal District in 2013, 2014
  • Maxim Khlizov is a medalist of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, a winner of Volgograd motocross stages; a participant of Russian motocross championships. The 4th place in Russian snowcross Championship in 2013; he is a coach at motocross school "Aurora"
  • Nowadays 70 men of different gender and age are trained in the school but few of them are part of "Aurora" sports team.
